The base URL for the social layer API is The following methods are available: POST /user Description: register a new user Parameters: username email password Example: curl -d '{"username":"arguer","email":"","password":"arguepass"}' --------------- GET /platform (requires authentication) Description: retreives a list of available platforms for the authenticated user, along with their assicated OAuth authentication URLs. Example: curl -u arguer:arguepass returns [{"name":"Blogger","authUrl":""},{"name":"Tumblr","authUrl":""}] Note: The returned authentication URLs require the addition of a callback parameter, containing a URL that redirects the user back to your application after they grant it access. For instance: Connect with Blogger Will authorise with Blogger, then redirect the user back to --------------- POST /post (requires authentication) Description: post a response to an item of text on a web page Parameters: platforms - comma-separated list of (registered) platforms to post to title - the title of the post to be made on your blog originalText - the original piece of text you're responding to response - either "agree" or "disagree"; with respect to the text you're responding to responseText - the actual text of your response URL - the URL of the page you're responding to Example: curl -u arguer:arguepass -d '{"platforms":"blogger,tumblr","title":"Yes, I agree","originalText":"Edinburgh said it had lost some momentum as a result of BAA selling the airport last April","response":"agree","repsonseText":"When airports are sold, they lose passengers","URL":""}'